At CD Decorators
Our painting and decorating company can boast both many years of experience and many successfully completed projects. Satisfied customers are what motivate us to complete jobs reliably, faithfuly and on time.
Our personnel, who have undergone wide-ranging training, have to master every task, including difficult ones. You will get serious work at reasonable prices. Prior to commencing a job, we undertake intensive discussions with our clients, enabling us to consider their requirements while providing competent and exhaustive consultation. Our personnel are specialised and receive ongoing further training; this means you can rely on our workmanship at all times.
If you’d like to find out more about us, please contact us. We'd be glad to receive your enquiry!
The Team
Craig Dorricott
Managing Director
Jonathan Kennedy
Managing Partner

We are based at
4 Craigie Road, Kilmarnock KA1 4EA